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Kochanski, A., Koracin, D., & Dorman, C. E. (2006). Comparison of wind-stress algorithms and their influence on wind-stress curl using buoy measurements over the shelf off Bodega Bay, California. Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography, 53(25–26), 2865–2886.
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Dorman, C. E., Carniel, S., Cavaleri, L., Sclavo, M., Chiggiato, J., Doyle, J., Haack, T., Pullen, J., Grbec, B., Vilibić, I., Janeković, I., Lee, C., Malačič, V., Orlić, M., Paschini, E., Russo, A., & Signell, R. P. (2006). February 2003 marine atmospheric conditions and the bora over the northern Adriatic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 111(C3), C03S03.
E. P. Dever, C. E. Dorman, & J. L. Largier. (2006). Surface boundary-layer variability off Northern California, USA, during upwelling. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 53(25–26), 2887–2905.
Koracin, D., Businger, J., Dorman, C., & Lewis, J. (2005). Formation, evolution, and dissipation of coastal sea fog. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 117(3), 447–478.
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Lee, C. M., Askari, F., Book, J., Carniel, S., Cushman-Roisin, B., Dorman, C., Doyle, J., Flament, P., Harris, C. K., Jones, B. H., Kuzmic, M., Martin, P., Ogston, A., Orlic, M., Perkins, H., Poulain, P.-M., Pullen, J., Russo, A., Sherwood, C., … Thaler, D. (2005). Northern Adriatic response to a wintertime bora wind event. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 86(16), 157–165.
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Koracin, D., Dorman, C. E., & Dever, E. P. (2004). Coastal perturbations of marine-layer winds, wind stress, and wind stress curl along California and Baja California in June 1999. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 34(5), 1152–1173.<1152:Cpomww>2.0.Co;2
Edwards, K. A., Rogers, D. P., & Dorman, C. E. (2002). Adjustment of the marine atmospheric boundary layer to the large-scale bend in the California coast. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 107(C12).
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Koracin, D., & Dorman, C. E. (2001). Marine atmospheric boundary layer divergence and clouds along California in June 1996. Monthly Weather Review, 129(8), 2040–2056.<2040:Mablda>2.0.Co;2
Haack, T., Burk, S. D., Dorman, C., & Rogers, D. (2001). Supercritical flow interaction within the Cape Blanco-Cape Mendocino Orographic Complex. Monthly Weather Review, 129(4), 688–708.<0688:Sfiwtc>2.0.Co;2
Dorman, C. E., Holt, T., Rogers, D. P., & Edwards, K. (2000). Large-scale structure of the June-July 1996 marine boundary layer along California and Oregon. Monthly Weather Review, 128(6), 1632–1652.<1632:Lssotj>2.0.Co;2
Nuss, W. A., Bane, J. M., Thompson, W. T., Holt, T., Dorman, C. E., Ralph, F. M., Rotunno, R., Klemp, J. B., Skamarock, W. C., Samelson, R. M., Rogerson, A. M., Reason, C., & Jackson, P. (2000). Coastally trapped wind reversals: Progress toward understanding. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 81(4), 719–743.<0719:Ctwrpt>2.3.Co;2
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